By Franchising…

Our team of International franchise consultants at The Franchising Centre have almost thirty years’ experience of successfully taking UK companies to the rest of the world and bringing international companies into the UK. The team, led by Farrah Rose, have Associates in over 60 countries literally all over the world – Europe, SE Asia, North and South America, Australasia and Africa and we are able to rely on them to bring their local knowledge and expertise to each of our projects.

We are often asked ‘Do I have to be a franchisor in the UK to take my franchise outside the UK?’ The simple answer is ‘No’. In fact, many of our international clients do not franchise in the UK. In the next few pages we will give you an insight into some of the choices you will need to make and some of the activities in which you will become involved. You can, of course, navigate round this website using the navigation tabs above but you may find it easier to get the full picture by following the ‘Next’ Button at the bottom of each page.
If you have a question or need more information on any topic you can fill out the enquiry form below or use the ‘Schedule a Call’ button on each page to book a telephone call with one of our team.

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