Franchise Storytelling
Every franchise’s story is different, and we’re here to help you tell it
From crafting the perfect, results-driven copy, through to creating powerful content strategies, our Franchise Storytelling service is here to help you deliver the right message, at the right time, to the right ears.

Creating content for franchise recruitment sites and lead-gen landing pages
PR and blog content, either as a one off or as part of an ongoing strategy
Developing or updating tone of voice and brand messaging to promote your franchise
White papers, explainers, presentation materials and manuals
3rd party profiles, listings and PR to help your brand stand out from the crowd
Email Campaigns and Lead Nurturing copy to advance your recruitment pipelines
Essential comms with your franchise network to help you work together
Social media content and advertising campaigns (also available alongside TFC Digital)
Delivered by experienced writers who have worked extensively with franchise brands for many years, you can be sure your message is built on relevant industry insight and expertise.
Just like every other key service here at The Franchising Centre, we can help you in as big, or as small, a capacity as you need.
From one-off engagement to work on a particular project, or as-and-when help for your in-house team, right through to a fully outsourced service.

Discovering the power of your story
Telling the right kind of story is essential to the success of any business. It can not only persuade your audience to engage with your brand, but controls how they perceive what you do, and what it means for them. In an ever-increasingly competitive world, how you tell your story makes the difference between your business standing out from the crowd, or just being one amongst many that is browsed and forgotten. The story you tell is what inspires your audience to take the action you are looking for.
This can be doubly true if you are a franchise. After all, you’re not just selling a product, but an entire package which has profound implications for your buyer: a new career, a legacy for the future, even a complete change of lifestyle.
These will be hugely positive changes, of course, but you’re asking for a significant personal and financial investment in return. For your audience, the stakes couldn’t be higher, and so it is more important than ever that you deliver the right message. You need to explain how your franchise fits into their mission, inspire confidence and trust, and answer the most essential of all questions:
“What’s in it for me?”

Finding your voice and crafting the perfect story
Effective storytelling all depends on who your audience is. Your brand voice will be consistent to some extent, of course, but your storytelling will be different if you are addressing a potential franchisee, a partner already in your network, or a customer.
For example, you will likely already have your B2C or B2B comms down to a fine art when it comes to selling your core product or service, but dealing with prospective franchisees can be a whole other game. We like to think of this kind of communication as B2F (Business to Franchisee), and it’s like a mix of both B2B and B2C, as well as something completely different in its own right. By helping you understand the subtle nuances of, and the people and psychology behind, every form of communication across every platform, we can help you achieve the results you need.
Of course, the perfect story will never be static – it’s a living breathing thing which should constantly evolve and adapt. By understanding engagement and interaction from your audience using a variety of tools, we are able to constantly improve your storytelling to deliver real, measurable results.