2018 marks the 40th Year of Franchise World, who are the UK’s oldest franchising magazine and seen by many as one of the most newsworthy and informative.

The Franchising Centre (TFC) and Franchise World have had a close relationship for almost the entire life of the magazine, and TFC’s Chairman, Brian Duckett had this to say:

“I’m honoured to have been involved with Franchise World and the Riding family almost since the first edition.

While at Safeclean I attended the innovative ‘Be Your Own Boss’ seminars but first remember meeting Bob at a franchising event at Wembley where he was in the middle of forcefully explaining the error of their ways to a well-known franchising character.

Never afraid to air his views, either in person or in print, the much-missed Robert Riding created an independent and authoritative source of franchising news and sound advice which continues to this day.”

We were thrilled to have been asked to grace the cover of the Aug/Sept 2018 Franchise World issue, and how times (and covers) have changed!

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