By Brian Duckett. Published in Franchise World Magazine (Apr/May issue)

As part of one of our regular meetings to improve what we, at The Franchising Centre (TFC), do for our clients, my team and I recently discussed how franchisee recruitment used to be called ‘selling franchises’ and comparing the modern day similarities between franchisee and executive staff recruitment.

In both cases, we’re trying to get the right people into the right positions and the processes are very similar. Shirley Hughes QFP, our expert recruiter for franchise support staff, told me that: “Recruiting your next member of staff can be a very time-consuming business. On average each corporate job opening attracts 150 CVs. Of these, four to six will be called for an interview and only one will be offered the job.”

Not that different then to the ratios that our franchisee recruitment team experience when finding franchisees for our franchisor clients.

Shirley added: “When people are looking to make a move they will be searching for information to help them choose the right company and role. Candidates want realistic job previews when they apply for positions.

“Transparency about the pros and cons of your organisation sets up everyone for long-term success. It’s as much about candidates interviewing you as it is them. Learn where candidates are researching your company and ensure you are listening to and joining the conversation about your company.”

Brian Duckett Chairman The Franchising CentreAgain, the parallels with franchisee recruitment are clear. Make sure your recruitment website contains all the information a candidate needs to know and be sure that whatever is being said, by or about you, on social media is as favourable as it can be.

Read the full article online here, page 33…

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